Tuesday, June 29, 2010

live alone? no model? no problem! (or at least make do. some experiments. which reminds me.)
three more reasons
(Patti Smith by Robert Mapplethorpe)

three reasons why I shoot so many portraits
(three photos of Georgia O'keefe by three different people)
Alfred Stieglitz did an extensive series of her hands and they are so beautiful,

Sunday, June 27, 2010

isn't she the most beautiful woman?
I am part way through the Passion of Joan of Arc,
which was banned in England around 1928 for its portrayal of the English
(I admit, they're brutish,)

which reminds me of the last beautiful silent film I watched,
with my dad two Februaries past -
Fritz Lang's Metropolis, is so worth a watch.

Joan of Arc is full of portrait shots, slow and emotive,
Metropolis is all frantic body energy, exaggerated movement,
both are so dramatic.

Friday, June 25, 2010

this is a project that I looove:

it is done by Ian Orti, who I saw do a book reading once which was wonderful, for this great book L (and things come apart),
everyone, check that out.
I think this photoseries/project was done for palimpsest magazine, which is a relatively new printed matter/mixed media publication out of Montreal, and is one of the most exciting new projects I know,
(and is largely unprecedented except for Aspen, which is another cool thing you could look at)

it is titled This is Human Contact

there's more where this came from

I think we can all just openly acknowledge how amazing this is.

it is by the amazing Isabella, (I used to sit her and her sister, and I am so thrilled to see how clever, talented and hilarious they are growing up to be! bravo! I don't think I'd ever worked a video camera in grade 9?)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

this is beyond worlds//beyond words amazing,

long lost and forgotten, hidden up north on the coast,
old soviet hovercraft?
which I think first surfaced to my consciousness through boing boing/my friend david.
beautiful photos, and you should spend the next three hours looking at the other nine million of them,
right, here,

miracles// the miraculous

bas jan ader; stills from his beautiful video I'm too sad to tell you

labelled under a term I love Romantic Conceptualism,
you should watch the actual video here,

he also did lots of beautiful things like trying to fall//fall,

quite the contrary, but this image is so magical I can't really believe the text
such mist holds nothing but miracles and the miraculous//

(i found this through GSA somehow)
some drawings by this little artist right here: quick scans of quick drawings

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

douglas senft

some drawing by this really great artist I like: www.douglassenft.com

wherelings whenlings

wherelings whenlings
(daughters of ifbut offspring of hopefear
sons of unless and children of almost)
never shall guess the dimension of

him whose
foot likes the
here of this earth

whose both
this now of the sky

— e. e. cummings